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Name: Shiv Solanki
Age: 26 Years Old
Born: London - England
Favorite Food:  Eggs
Favorite Drink: Water
Favorite Movie: Her


My journey towards becoming a personal trainer has been driven by a multitude of ideas however all of them have consistently shared one feature, health. I believe there are four pillars to our health - our mental, cognitive, spiritual, and physical. Each of these ties into each other and demands our attention to become the best version of ourselves. The focus in the gym is of course our physical health but the impact of consistent training transcends into the other three.
Studying Philosophy at degree level has given me many tools to help understand the reasons behind our very human decisions in everyday life. This, partnered with my education in Psychology has given me an understanding of how our biochemistry can dictate our decisions IF, we do not take control ourselves. Looking after our physical health is one way of doing just that.
There are multiple aspects to training such as nutrition, sleep, stress that can all impact the way we interact with ourselves, others, and the world. I made the decision to prioritise learning about these things and our physical health and the benefits of being strong, fit and able so that I can coach others on how to do the same. 
This led me towards my qualification in a personal training course as well as a nutrition and training course designed by Layne Norton - a renowned Doctor, PHD, and leading specialist in nutrition and science-based training. 
Working at the HB Health Hub, it is my priority to utilise all that I’ve learnt and continue to learn, to make sure that you leave with more value, knowledge and above all, a healthier body than you come in with. I look forward to working with you in the Hub.



Coach Shiv Solanki

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