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Sunil Basra


The Journey so far....


Sunil started his Journey in December 2021, he had been training for a few year on and off and his main goal was to build a great physique and refine his methods of training.


After an initial assessment we came to an agreement that the first phase of his training would include a fat loss phase, with a focus on refining his training technique. 


Once we got going the methods required in place it was proving a difficult challenge for Sunil, he had a 1 year old daughter, just moved to Leicester from London and running his own business, so he really struggled to get going, in his own words he thought we could cheat the system but came to realisation that his cheats were not getting him to where he wanted to be. 






After a few chats to get the  journey going again, Sunil's wife became pregnant with their second child, this meant more added to Sunil's plate, regardless of that, the one thing Sunil never wavered on was his training, he consistently turned up and put in the work in the one to one sessions three times per week, his attention to detail and refining his training was second to none and continues to be. 


However, in terms of the nutrition and daily activity this was still a big issue, again in Suni's words he thought he could do half his way and half our way and once again he found out he couldn't cheat the process! 


Finally at the end of 2022 Sunil decided to fully commit to the process in and out of the gym and the results were insane, just 10 weeks of dedication and he achieved the fat loss required to now take him to phase two of the process which is to build as much muscle without adding fat mass. 


Sunil had all the excuses in the world, once he gave up the excuses and understood his real WHY the process became a breeze and he now feels on top of the world, as he should.


Looking forward to update you on his next phase...



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