Have you ever found yourself feeling worn out during your workout sessions, struggling to make progress? You're not alone! Let's dive into why this might be happening and what you can do about it.
Person A: "I am feeling a little tired in my sessions, and I am struggling to progress. Why do you think that may be the case?"
Helder: Well, there are several factors that could contribute to this, but if we focus on your training, it's crucial to understand the concept of muscle damage leading to central nervous fatigue. This type of fatigue can emerge days after exercising, primarily due to substantial muscle damage incurred during your workouts. It's worth noting that the effects of your previous workout can impact your subsequent ones.
Person A: "What influences the amount of muscle damage that is caused in a workout?"
Helder: You're asking the right question! The level of muscle damage is influenced by a few key factors. One of the primary influencers is the training volume—the amount of work you're putting in. When you increase the training volume, you're also increasing the potential for muscle damage. Consequently, your body requires more time to recover adequately.
Additionally, the type of muscle contraction you're performing matters. Eccentric contractions, which involve lowering the load, tend to induce more muscle damage compared to other types of contractions. Furthermore, using exercises that you're not accustomed to can also lead to increased muscle damage.
In essence, understanding these factors can help you tailor your workouts to strike a balance between pushing your limits and allowing your body the necessary time to recuperate. By managing your training volume, incorporating proper recovery techniques, and gradually introducing new exercises, you can work towards minimising muscle damage-related fatigue and enhancing your overall progress.
Remember, it's crucial to listen to your body and make adjustments as needed. Over time, you'll find the right approach that helps you achieve your fitness goals without feeling constantly fatigued.