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Unlocking Muscle Growth: The Power of Progressive Overload

Updated: Jul 20, 2023

Are you ready to take your muscle-building game to the next level? Let's dive into the incredible concept of Progressive Overload - the key to unlocking massive gains and achieving your goals!

Understanding Progressive Overload

Progressive overload is a smart strategy that considers the adaptations resulting from previous workouts when planning subsequent ones. It's all about constantly challenging your body to make continuous progress and achieve new heights!

The Magic of Muscle Building

After a powerful workout involving heavy weights, various adaptations contribute to gains in maximum strength. Your muscles are stimulated, ready to embark on the journey of growth and strength gains!

The Rep Range: 5 to 9

When you hit the gym, aim for intensity and train hard within the rep range of 5 to 9, pushing yourself to failure or close to it. This triggers an increase in muscle fiber size and other adaptations, enhancing your muscle's ability to generate more force relative to its size.

Understanding Progressive Overload: The Conversation

Person: Helder, you're always talking about progressive overload. How does it help with my muscle-building goal?

Helder: Great question! Progressive overload is vital for muscle growth. When you train with heavy weights and challenge yourself with 5 to 9 reps to failure, it stimulates an increase in muscle fiber size. Additionally, lifting heavier weights triggers other adaptations that enhance your muscle's force-producing capacity.

Person: So, if I do a challenging bicep curl with 6 reps to failure today, that's what you mean?

Helder: Exactly! Going to failure around the 6-rep range activates high threshold motor units. These motor units come into action when your muscles exert high force under fatiguing conditions, which is why you reach failure.

Person : Got it! What happens next with progressive overload?

Helder: The magic happens in your next workout. The increase in muscle fiber size achieved in the previous sessions allows your muscles to produce the same force while recruiting fewer motor units. If you repeat the exact same thing as before, you won't see long-term muscle growth.

Person: So, I need to increase the weight?

Helder: Exactly! To continue progressing, you'll need to either increase the number of reps with the same weight or go heavier to keep challenging your muscles. It's all about keeping that progression going!

Embrace the Power of Progressive Overload

Remember, continuous progress lies in progressive overload. Challenge yourself, push those limits, and watch as your muscles grow and transform!

Let's unlock the full potential of progressive overload and unleash your muscle-building journey!

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